Feed Sources List

The feed sources list page provides you with an overview of all your available sources.

It also includes an "Add New" button up top from where you can add new sources, a search field to the right to search for specific sources, some screen options, as well as status filters.

The status filters are "All", "Published" and "Trash". The latter only appears when there are any sources in the trash.

The screen options on this page allow you to do the following:

  • Show or hide specific columns in the table, except for Name.
  • Set the number of sources to be shown per page in the table.

In the table, the plugin lists each feed source with its respective information, including:


Whether the source is active or paused. This applies to the automatic fetching of new content on the schedule you would have set per source or in the general settings. 

An active source will fetch new content as scheduled and is identified by the green toggle switch.

A paused source will not fetch new content automatically, but you can manually fetch new content using the "Fetch" option under "Imported items" - more on this below. It is identified by the grey toggle switch.

The State column is sortable by clicking on the column header.


Next to the state of each source you will currently see either an RSS icon or a Youtube icon. This indicates whether the feed you are importing from is a generic RSS feed or Youtube channel/user URL.

In the future, more icons will be added as we introduce support for more specific sources, such as social media feeds.


Under the Name column you will find some identifying information about the source. The name itself is set when adding the feed. When hovering over a source, you will also see the source ID, an Edit action and a Trash icon.

Click on the name itself or on "Edit" to open the feed source settings.

Click on "Trash" to send this source to the trash. This will move the source to the Trash from where it can be restored or permanently deleted at any time.

The Name column is sortable by clicking on the column header.


This is where you can monitor the automatic fetching schedule for each source.

The "Next update" value indicates when the next automatic fetch is scheduled to happen.

The "Updated" value shows you two things. The first is the time since the last automatic fetch happened, and the second is the number of new items that were imported in the most recent fetch. This information is vital in understanding how a source is performing.

A paused source only shows the "Updated" information since there is no next automatic update. Upon activating a paused source, the "Next update" data will be visible again.

The Updates column is sortable by clicking on the column header.

Imported Items

This is where you can see, access, fetch and delete the items for every source.

The value itself indicates the total number of items imported for the respective source. It is also a link that will take you to the "Feed Items" list to show you only the items imported by this source.

When hovering over a source you will also see two action link - Fetch and Delete.

The "Fetch" link is a way to manually fetch new items from a source. If the source is active, it ignores the automatic schedule for this fetch

The "Delete" link will permanently delete all imported items from this source. This is not reversible, so although you can re-fetch the items, if an older item is no longer available in the source's feed, it cannot be re-imported.

When clicking on the "Fetch" and "Delete" actions you may also realise that all the "Fetch" and "Delete" links for all sources on this page become inactive for a couple of seconds, so they can't be clicked on. This is done in order to prevent too many manual fetches or deletions being run together, which is known to sometimes cause issues with WordPress cron.

The Imported Items column is sortable by clicking on the column header.

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