Block: 'WP RSS Aggregator Feeds'
WP RSS Aggregator Core version 4.13 introduced a Gutenberg block for WP RSS Aggregator.
To use the block, click the plus icon shown below and search for "WP RSS Aggregator". It will immediately show you our plugin's block. Click on it to add it to your page or post.
Once you've done that, a few block options will appear on the right. If you don't see them, click within the block itself or click on the gear icon on the top right of your screen to show the sidebar.
With the WP RSS Aggregator block, setting up a Build a Content Hub becomes incredibly easy. This feature enables you to display content from multiple feed sources on a single page in a neatly organized manner.
Select Sources
From the first panel in the block's options you can select which sources to display or which ones to exclude in this particular section of your site.
Toggle on the "Show all Feed Sources" switch to display items from all sources. When doing so, you will also be able to exclude specific sources by searching for them by name. This is great when you have many feed sources and you'd like to display them all here except a select few.
By toggling off "Show all Feed Sources", you can instead search for the feed sources you specifically want to show here. It can be one source alone or multiple. Again, to select the source to show, start typing its name in the box and select the appropriate one/s.
Display Options
From the Display Options panel you can select the template to use, the limit on the number of items to display (by default, set to the template's own limit), whether to show pagination (by default, set to the template's own setting), and what page to show.
The "Page" option enables you to display a specific page of feed items for one or more sources. Here's an example of how this can be used. Imagine you want to display the latest 5 items from the ESPN feed at the top of your page, followed by an image (or some advert), and then followed by the next 5 items from the ESPN feed.
The first block would have Page set to 1 while the second block would have Page set to 2, resulting in something like the screenshot below (notice how the feed items follow each other despite being two separate blocks):
In this panel you are able to set a custom CSS class that will apply to this block. This is a great way for developers familiar with CSS to add custom styling changes just for this one area of your site (or a select few areas).
For example, if you want to include your own CSS to make the grids responsive, you can follow the instructions in our guide here.