How to Set Up the WordAi Add-on Integration
Authenticate Your WordAi Account
Once you have signed up, activate the WordAi add-on, and navigate to RSS Aggregator > Settings > WordAi in your WordPress dashboard. You should see the following settings that allow you to set up your account information in the add-on settings.
Enter your WordAi account email address and password in the form, and click the Save Settings button. The Not Authenticated message should now say Authenticated if the email and password were successfully authenticated by WordAi, as shown below:
Enable Content Spinning
To enable the spinner and start spinning the content of your imported posts, simply tick the Enable WordAi checkbox in the add-on’s settings.
Spin the Title
WordAi version 1.1 introduced the ability to also spin the title of your imported posts.
To do so, tick the Spin the title checkbox. Once enabled, your future imported posts will have their title spun.
NOTE: Your current posts will not have their title spun. You will have to delete and re-import them. When doing so, please note that any posts that are no longer available in the RSS feed of the source in question can never be re-imported again if they are deleted.
API Settings
The WordAi add-on uses WordAi’s API to spin your content. The options shown on the add-on’s settings page reflect the settings given to the API.
These settings are documented by WordAi, on their API page (You’ll need to be logged in to see the page).
To learn more about these settings and how they affect your spun content, we recommend that you log in and try using the spinner on their site. WordAi documents and explains these settings very well.
Use Post Revisions to Compare Results
WordAi version 1.3 introduced the Post Revisions feature. This feature puts the original content of the post as a post revision, so you can later compare the original content with the spun content.
To enable this feature, tick the Post Revisions checkbox.
Once enabled, all your future imported posts will have a revision created for them, containing the original post content.
To view your revisions, edit your imported posts by clicking on the post title on the Posts page.
NOTE: If you do not see your revisions, you might have to display them via the Screen Options, located at the top right corner of your screen.
Import Spintax
WordAi version 1.3 allows you to import spintax. Spintax is a format used to show alternative choices in a text. Learn more about Spintax here.
To enable spintax importing, tick the Return Spintax checkbox.
NOTE: It’s easier to read through spintax in the Text view.
NOTE: Furthermore, if you are using the Post Revisions option, a second revision is created containing the finished spun version of the post.