Where to Find Your License Keys

Once you have purchased a WP RSS Aggregator add-on or bundle, we automatically generate new, unique license keys for each add-on. These can be found in at least two places.

Purchase Confirmation Page

Upon completing the payment to WP RSS Aggregator, you are redirected automatically to a page called Purchase Confirmation.

On this page, among other details, you will find all the license keys for your purchased add-ons.

The URL will look something like this (with its own unique peyment:


Purchase Receipt Email

Upon completing the payment to WP RSS Aggregator, you are sent an email Purchase Receipt (with that as the subject line). 

In this email, you will find all the license keys for your purchased add-ons.

WP RSS Aggregator Account

  1. Go to https://www.wprssaggregator.com/account/.
  2. Visit the License Keys tab.
  3. Here you will find all the active and expired license keys.

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