How to Create a "Latest Posts" Portfolio Page

This is a preview of a tutorial posted on Kikolani. Read the full tutorial on Kikolani.

If you write for a lot of different websites like I do, whether it is as a guest blogger or freelance writer, then you have probably struggled with finding a way to share your latest posts from all of those sites with your audience. Fortunately, there is an easy – and free – solution for anyone who uses WordPress on a self-hosted domain (sorry users).

Why You Need a Latest Posts Portfolio Page

Before we get into the how, let’s look at the why. A page like this can be used for many purposes, including the following.

  1. To share your latest writing credits to get a guest posting or freelance opportunity.
  2. To drive traffic to the content you create on other publications.
  3. To track of all of the content you create, so the next time someone asks, “Hey, do you have a post on ___?” you can go through your latest posts portfolio page to find it.
  4. To demonstrate that you are actively writing, even if it is not on your own blog.

You can also add a form at the end of your portfolio page to encourage people to contact you about new guest blogging and freelance writing opportunities or to subscribe to your mailing list!

Setting Up Your Latest Posts Portfolio Page

The plugin you will need is WP RSS Aggregator. This plugin allows you to combine multiple RSS feeds and publish them on one single page using a piece of shortcode.

It’s simple to use – once you’ve installed it on your website, you can find the settings for it in your admin menu.


Read the full tutorial on Kikolani.

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