Creating a Custom RSS Feed of Imported Feed Items

WP RSS Aggregator offers, right out of the box, the option of creating a custom RSS feed that lists all imported feed items.

NOTE: This feature, when used with Feed to Post add-on, also shows items imported and stored as Posts (or any other custom post type). If the item has been imported by WP RSS Aggregator in any way, it will be included in the custom RSS feed generated by the plugin.

The custom RSS feed can be used in a number of ways:

  • To review the content you are publishing to your site. This prevents you from having to look through all the posts on your site by displaying them via the shortcode.
  • To provide the content imported on your current site to another site or app.

How to Set Up the Custom RSS Feed

All it takes are 4 easy steps. Of course, you must first import feed items from other sources to include them in this RSS feed.

  1. Go to RSS Aggregator > Settings.
  2. Look for the "Create a Custom RSS Feed" section in the General
  3. Add your preferred Custom feed URL.
  4. Name the feed with the Custom feed title.
  5. Limit the number of feed items to include with the Custom feed limit.

Where to Find the Generated Custom RSS Feed

In step 2 above you set a custom feed URL. This is the unique identifier for your custom RSS feed.

Visiting this URL will show you the RSS feed you just created, with the imported feed items contained in it.

For example, based on the screenshot above, the RSS feed would be located at:

You are now free to use this RSS feed wherever you want. It will continue to update itself as new feed items are automatically imported into your site through WP RSS Aggregator.

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