How to Test for Plugin and/or Theme Conflicts

Sometimes it might be the case that certain 3rd party plugins or themes will conflict with WP RSS Aggregator, causing it not to function as advertised. In such cases, we advise all users to run the necessary tests explained below.

WARNING: We strongly advise all users to run these tests on a staging / local / development version of your website. Please,  do not run the below tests on a live website. Changing theme will change your site's design, and removing plugins could compromise some other part of your website. We are not held responsible for any problems that may arise from users running the below tests in a live environment.

Test for Theme Conflicts

To test for a theme conflict:

  1. Activate a default theme, such as the TwentySeventeen or TwentyEighteen theme, or any default theme made by the WordPress team.
  2. Check to see if the issue still occurs.

If the issue does not occur after having activated the default “Twenty...” theme, your theme is causing a conflict with WP RSS Aggregator.

If the issue continues to occur, you should then test for plugin conflicts (below)

Test for Plugin Conflicts

To test for a plugin conflict:

  1. Deactivate ALL plugins.
  2. Activate WP RSS Aggregator (and any add-ons for it).
  3. Check to see if the issue occurs.

If the issue does not occur, one (or more) of your plugins is causing a conflict with WP RSS Aggregator. To determine which plugin(s) is causing the conflict, follow these steps:

  1. Activate each plugin one by one.
  2. Check to see if the issue occurs after each plugin is activated.

NOTE: WP RSS Aggregator is completely incompatible with the WP RSS Multi Importer plugin (which is since discontinued). If you would like to use the WP RSS Aggregator plugin please ensure that WP RSS Multi Importer is uninstalled from your site, otherwise, our plugin will not be able to function correctly.

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