Feed Items or Posts Not Importing - Issues with Cron Jobs

It is often the case that your cron jobs are either stuck, blocked, or not scheduled properly. If you want to know all about WordPress Cron, click here to learn more

We recommend using the WP Crontrol plugin to monitor your cron jobs. It allows you to view your cron jobs from your WordPress admin dashboard by going to Tools > Cron Events.

Look out for any error messages in red. The error message could indicate your host may have disabled the cron system, possibly for performance or security reasons.

The first thing we recommend is checking if there are cron jobs at the top of the list that are stuck, but should be running. If the Next Run column shows a time, this means your crons are running fine. If the column shows 'now' along with a time, this means the crons are stuck.

There are three possible solutions for this.

Solution #1

Navigate to http://yoursite.com/wp-cron.php from your browser (replace “yoursite” with your URL).

After a while, you should see a blank page. 

Go back to Crontrol to see if the cron jobs are running as they should be.

Solution #2

Add this code to your site using one of the methods shown here :

add_filter('cron_request', 'my_increase_cron_request_timeout');
    function my_increase_cron_request_timeout($args) {
        $args['args']['timeout'] = 1; // Seconds. Increase as needed.
   return $args;

This setting can be different for different server configurations or network loads. 

Be aware that increasing this can generally slow down the site.

Solution #3

The last solution requires you to edit your wp-config.php file. Add the following lines to the file:

define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true );define( 'WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT', 1 );

WARNING: Be careful when editing your wp-config.php file through WordPress. If you mistype something, your site could potentially crash. It is not recommended to use this option if you are unsure of what you are doing, but if you do know what you're doing, it is recommended to use FTP access to edit such files while keeping local backups, so you can easily and quickly undo any changes that may have caused errors.

NOTE: If you see the following error when first using WP Crontrol:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to excellent-bid.nl port 443: Connection refused

If you see this error, please consult first with your host as you may not be able to import images and feed items due to your firewall settings on your host server.

Please also see:  What do I do if I encounter: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to excellent-bid.nl port 443: Connection refused?

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