Feed Items or Posts Not Importing - Check on Keyword/Tag Filters
In some instances, the import items will fail to import because they do not pass the condition set in the keyword filtering section. These settings are available globally and also per feed source.
The settings contain three sections and depending on where the keywords are placed, this will determine if the feed items pass for import or not.
- Contains all these words/phrases - Only feed items that have all the keywords will be imported.
- Contains any of these words/phrases - Only feed items that contain any of the added keywords will be imported.
- Contains none of these words/phrases - Only feed items that do not contain all of the keywords will be imported.
Global option
To check and assess the global keyword filtering options set, please check whether:
- You have any keyword filtering options set up in your general plugin settings.
You have any keyword filtering options set up in your individual feed sources.
These might prevent the importing of new feed items if the keywords, phrases, or tags match the feed items you are attempting to import in any way.
For instance, filtering for items that do not contain the keyword “and” in the post content will most likely result in no imports, since it is a very common conjunction.